Elias was still in Warri over seeing the renovation of the supermarket he had purchased for his mother , and the building project on his father’s compound, when he received a call from Abuja , it was pastor Tony he was sounding riled up and p!ssed .

“Elias you have to come to Abuja now!” Pastor Tony ordered , Elias rounded up his one week stay at Warri , he got on a flight to Abuja with Tofe .

The pastors gathered at Elias’s sitting room that evening . “I want you all to watch this video recording , how this young man I don’t know what he calls himself thinks he’s doing ! I’ve been following his preaching since the day I saw him at Elias church , just see!” He said , his PA connected the video to Elias’s television set .


“The Lord has called us forth to shine light on the works of darkness! Now we have men on God’s pulpit, men who bow before Marmon , men who bow before the dev!l to get power! the children of God no longer care where the power is coming from !” Ezekiel chuckled.

“They don’t care , many of you here go to them! because you search for Miracle! this men will take out one dem0n from your life and replace it with ten dem0ns!” Ezekiel said staring at his congregation.


“Many of us Christians have forgotten the place of prayer! The Bible says in Jeremiah three verse fifteen and I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding…” Ezekiel paused . “But today we see magicians in suits on God’s altar doing wiz@rdry and the people of God run to them for healing and deliverance.”

“One was charging two hundred dollars to see him , to book an appointment with the General Overseer in quote! Christians the bible says in Matthew ten verse eight Heal the s!ck, cleanse the lepërs, raise the de@d, cast out dev!ls: freely ye have received, freely give.

Heal the s!ck, raise the de@d, cleanse lepërs, cast out dem0ns. You received without paying; give without pay. Now we have men of God charging people to get miracle , charging people to get husband’s and wife , two thousand dollars for miracle husband and wife! this men are not preachers this men are th!eves , this men are r0gues!” Pastor Tony paused the video .

“All of you here are th!eves and r0gues according to that Animal! I’ve been telling you all that we should cut the tail before it gets too long , he’s been @ttacking us! and we stay quietly! I spoke with my head of ushers told me the number of members in my headquarters has reduced since this man began his @ssault on our style of ministration!

Elias and Tofe warn your friend!” Pastor Tony said , running his palm over his white beards . “I’ll deal with him decisively if he crosses more boundaries! Watch more or his videos , was he called to @ttack us !” Pastor Tony added .


“Sir he’s not my friend ! he’s Elias’s friend.” Tofe said . Elias sat quietly looking at him . “I don’t care warn him to stay clear or else he’ll see the wrath of hëll!” Pastor Tony said .

“Elias you have to talk to your friend , tell him to preach about other topics and leave pastors from other churches , it’s nor good to use your pulpit to be @ttacking other pastors .

“Pastor Emaka said . “Thank you sir , I am grateful for the opportunity you gave me , I’ll definitely talk to Ezekiel , I cannot deny him , he’s my bosom friend, my best friend , it’s just that sometimes he’s very stubb0rn .” Elias explained , pastor Tony laughed in a sinister way .

“A crayfish that refuses to heed to advise will be bent over by the heat of f!re .” He said . “Sir it’s not gotten to that level I believe Elias will convince him . the meeting came to a conclusion after an hour , Tofe saw the pastors to Elias’s carport , pastor Emaka sat back with Elias .

“Your friend is playing with f!re Elias ,I like him , he’s a young man bürning with f!re , but you see pastor Tony ? forget that title pastor , he’s the dev!l , he can go whatever level to bring your friend down , either diab0lical means or physically beg your friend to stay away from offending him , I cannot count the pastors he has ru!ned .


” pastor Emaka said . “Thank you sir I’ll talk to him sir.” Elias said , he saw pastor Emaka off to his car , when he returned back his girlfriend Precious was waiting for him at the sitting room .

“Hmmmm what were they talking about , I keep hearing Ezekiel , Ezekiel , what did Ezekiel do ?” she asked . “Common Precious how can you be eavesdropping?” Elias asked with raised brows .

“I wasn’t , that man with white beards was just shouting .” Precious said . “Well Ezekiel is stepping on people he shouldn’t.” Elias said .

“Baby for one week now I’ve not felt your touch let’s go upstairs and have a quick one .” Precious pleaded . “No! we’re talking about important things, you’re talking about sëx abeg leave me alone .” Elias replied her .

She grabbed his arm pulling him off the couch . “Please leave me alone Precious .” Elias said , the door creaked open , and Tofe got in , followed behind by the chef , he had just returned from the market with foodstuffs, the house girl and gate man helped him with his stuff .


“Your friend is stubb0rn Abi hand will soon touch him .” Tofe said laughing, Elias glared at him with a grimacing face . “Precious go and bring me food from the kitchen.” Tofe said . Precious rolled her eyes at him and went upstairs.

Elias had his bath and changed into a new pair of jeans , he drove himself , with one police escort , it was less than fifteen minutes drive to Ezekiel’s house at Jabi. Ezekiel warmly welcomed his friend . They had a sumptuous dinner of Banga soup and fresh fish , with starch .

“Brother it’s been a while oh , how was your trip to Warri ? I didn’t know you were back .” Ezekiel said . ” My journey was okay , I just came back earlier to handle some issues on ground .” Elias said .

“Okay , how are your parents?” Ezekiel asked . “They’re fine , Ezekiel I came here to talk to you , some pastors who know how you and I are , came to me . They’re not happy .” Elias said .

“Not happy ? but why ?” Ezekiel asked . “Well your messages , you’ve been @ttacking them .” Elias said . “Me @ttacking them ?” Ezekiel asked quizzically.


“With your messages , talking about them using powers to do miracle , talking about them milking their congregation. Why can’t you just focus on soul winning which is your calling ?” Elias said . “”Uhhhmmm Elias this one is a hard one to chew , but I don’t go to the pulpit with the aim to @ttack anyone .” Ezekiel said .

“I know brother you dey carry this holiness thing for head too much , some powerful men of God will cancel you if you don’t pipe down .” Elias said . “I’ve heard you I appreciate you for looking out for me , but I cannot tell you that I’ll or will not , whatever God puts in my mouth I’ll tell the people.

You should desist from following men who h@te the truth of the gospel . Now you still have opportunity to change .” Ezekiel said , Elias knew his friend he knew that would be what he would do , he left for his house at about eight P.M .

The next Sunday pastor Tony didn’t go to church , he was at home watching Ezekiel’s live broadcast , when he started his sermon. “The Lord has greatly blessed this ministry , this morning we want to consider an important message Obeying The Absolute Will Of God .

In the Bible God instructed king Saul , he was sent by God to destr0y the Amalekites, to destr0y everything , but when Saul got there , he spared the life of Agag and brought back sp0ils of w@r . He did the will of God by going to w@r, but he didn’t do the absolute will of God , he brought the @nger of the Lord upon himself .” Ezekiel said standing on the pulpit.


“When the Lord has given you a great Commission, men think you talk on your own . A very wonderful friend from my childhood and also a fellow pastor came to me during the week and told me of how my messages @ttacking f@lse pastors and prophets are heating up the wrong quarters and that I am advised to pipe low .” Ezekiel laughed .

“Would we obey God rather than man?” Ezekiel asked . “God!” the whole church roared .”So we shall do the absolute will of God, no man will make us change our message! let the church be holy! it’s not a place of merchandise!” Elias said , pastor Tony turned off the television.

“We’ll see who will cry! you think you can f!ght me ?” He h!ssed.


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