“Hi,” Angel said shyly as she approached Julius. He was standing under an orange tree that was used to beautify the park.

He was already bored and tired of standing there but his eyes lit up as soon as he spotted Angela walking towards to him.

“Hi! So how are you doing?”


“I’m fine… I hope you enjoyed the service?

“Yes it was just amazing. I love the way Pastor Princewill teaches the word of God, he makes it so easy to understand.”

“Exactly! That was one of the reasons I started attending this church in the first place.

I needed a place that could properly groom me with the word of God and I’ve found that place. I’m so glad to have come in contact with him and this church.

He’s just a blessing to our generation. I can go on and on about how his teaching has really helped me….”

“Same here but maybe another time. By the way you look ovely today!”

He complimented on Angela’s dressing and she blushed not saying anything else.

“So have you thought about my proposal? Am I getting a favourable response or….”

Angela nodded her head avoiding his eyes.

“Seriously why are you nodding? Does it indicate a yes or no?”

Julius asked, his heart was pounding wondering what her reply will be.

“Uhm yes I will marry you.” Angela said softly still staring at the ground.

“Wow! Wow I’m so happy!” Julius said excitedly hugging Angela. Thank you for accepting me, I promise never to hurt you or break your heart.

I love you so much……” He told her and made more declarations of his love for her causing her to smile.

She felt she did the right thing by accepting his proposal. After all who would see someone as perfect as him and refuse?

They left the orange tree they were standing under and went to a corner of the church where they chatted and planned their future together.

When Julius would go to meet her parents, when Angela would meet his, when they would get married and other things like that.

They were very excited and it was evident from the way the spoke and the expression on their faces.

Benita’s meeting would take a while before coming to an end so Julius dropped Angela off at home.

She was in good spirits and made a lovely meal of jollof rice with fried fish for lunch from the ingredients already available.

She was super excited and couldn’t wait to get married.

“Thank you Jesus for bringing him into my life.” She still didn’t feel at peace about the whole thing but she wouldn’t let that bother her.

Maybe it was her mind playing tricks with her or the fact that she was nervous.?

“Im sure the everything would be fine,” she assured herself.

She called her mum and informed her that she was engaged. Her mum screamed so loudly due to her excitement that she had to remove the phone from her ear.

“You’re engaged? When? How? When will I meet him?”

She bombarded her with various questions. “Mum don’t worry you’ll get to meet him very soon.”

She told her laughing at how her mum was super excited for her.

She ended the call happily. She was sure that her mother would share the good news with her dad and siblings due to how happy she was

She ate her lunch and went inside to rest for a while. Benita came back home few hours later, she was tired and exhausted from the meeting.

After freshening up Angela served her lunch with a wide grin on her face .

“Madam why are you smiling like this na? I’m scared oh!”

“Don’t mind me jare. Benny guess what?”

“Hmm I’m horrible at guessing, abeg just tell me.”

“Ok oh, your friend is now engaged!” She told Benita excitedly grinning from ear to ear

“Seriously I’m so excited for you. So who’s the lucky guy?”

“His name is Julius. You know…”

At the mention of Julius, Benita’s plate fell down from her hands.

“What did you say?”

“Benita!” Angela screamed looking at the shattered plate on the floor.

“Are you okay?” She asked with concern after she had cleared the mess.

Benita sat down at the same spot not moving an inch. She looked like she had just heard the worst news of her life.

She was lost in thought but Angela’s question snapped her out from her reverie.

“I’m fine, you don’t have to worry about me. So what exactly where you saying about Julius?”

“Oh! He also attends the winning family, he’s a member of the hospitality unit. I’m sure you know him?”

“Yes I do but I’m just surprised. When did all this happen?

How come? Isn’t it too sudden? Have you prayed about it?” Benita probed wanting to get answers and satisfy her curiosity.

“Well I think we’re going to be fine. I have this assurance in me that’s its the right decision to make.

And we’re not going to get married right away so there’s no cause for alarm.

We still have time to get to know about each other and see if we’re compatible….

I’m just so happy. Julius is a great guy and I’m sure that he’s going to be a good husband.” Angela told Benita.

“Yes he’s a good guy. I’m really happy for you.

Excuse me I have to check up on something.” Benita said softly and walked inside.

Tears that were already forming in the rim of her eyes fell like water from an open tap as soon as she stepped into the room.

She sat down beside her bed and sobbed.

Why was life so unfair?
How was Angela getting married to Julius? Her Julius!

Angela betrayed her and she thought that they were friends! How could she do that to her?

Her heart was shattered by the news.

“God I thought that you told me he was the one for me. What happened? What changed? What went wrong?

Was I not good enough for him? Why did he choose her over me?”

Her heart was filled with bitterness towards Angela and Julius.

She hated the both of them, they had betrayed her most especially Angela.

“I’m never going to forgive you.” Benita swore to herself.

She stood up from the floor and dried her tears. They were not worth it.


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