Episode 28

I went about my duty while trying not to think much on the unexpected visitor who will be coming later in the day.

I was unexpectedly quietly and even skipped lunch.

Through out the night, I try to engage my mind by finishing Priceless One, the novel from Mr Law library.

I enjoyed every bit of it and it enabled me to have a sound sleep but waking up in the morning, I had to face reality.

I wondered if there was another Tobe that Mr Law was referring to.
It can’t be the same Tobe that was after my body, he wanted to devour me but God helped me and I escaped him by coming to work for Mr Law..

My phone broke and I had to trash the small phone and didn’t bother getting another.
Tobe might be trying to reach me but couldn’t
Is over nine months working for Mr Law and that’s a long time to forget that somebody like me exist.

I have forgotten everything about him until last night when Mr Law mentioned Tobe coming to do a general maintenance on his cars and he will be staying for two days.

I heaved sadly, I began drying the whole used utensils and putting them away.

“You’re not happy, is something bothering you? Sylvester the chef asked

“Nothing serious, just one of those mood swings..” I replied

“You? Mood swing.. I haven’t noticed you having a sad day even when Mr Law is hard on you, you still find reason to laugh. That’s why your second name in this house is happy girl..”

I heaved again.
“, You won’t understand Sylvester..”

“Whatever it is, don’t think much on will still pass..”

That’s right, every of my life challenges and fear has one way or the other vanished even before I even noticed.

Definitely this will disappear in no time.

“Thank you Sylvester, you’re amazing..”.

He chuckled aloud
“Offcourse I know that already..” he replied with a wink.

I began to laugh
“Don’t sweat it, you’re just little amazing, not too much..” I demonstrated with my my tiny finger
The laughter that erupted from him made me also began to laugh.

Nneka walked in to the kitchen.

“What’s the joke..? She asked trying not to be left out in the laughter.

Sylvester began to fill her in.
She began to laugh along and told Sylvester that I’m only jealous of his smart cooking style.
That brought more laughter as I try to defend myself

“He has nothing I can be jealous off..? I said defensively.

“Are you sure? You have been wanting to learn his new french dish but haven’t had time to do so…” Nneka reminded me

“,Yes, that’s right. I’m probably a little jealous. I enjoy all his cooking and I sometimes wish I can cook like him..”

“Aka, you have nothing to worry about. I gat you baby girl and anytime You’re ready, I will teach you whatever dish you wish to learn..”

“Thank you Sylvester..” and I mean it.

Sylvester and Nneka have been a great friend and colleague and I thank God for giving me kind people to work with.

Somebody walked into the kitchen suddenly, interrupting our good moment.

“Aka, Mr Law wants your service right now. he’s sitting by the pool with his friend who just arrived..”
Kamp, the butler who’s also a security guard for Mr Law said and he quickly walked away.

Anxiety, fear and uncertainty came crawling back into my mind as I left to see Mr Law

From afar I recognized him, it was indeed Tobe.

My legs shakes as I went over to where they were.

“Yes sir, I was told you sent for me..” I said, trying to avoid looking towards Tobe.

“, Wait a second?..” Tobe said as he stared at me.

“… what’s that your name again..? what are you doing here..?

“You know each other..? Mr Law asked puzzled while looking from Tobe to me.

“Uhmm! She looks so familiar..” Tobe said. I guess he was trying to make Mr Law not to think much on it.

“Okay! Aka is the guest room set for my friend Tobe?

“,Yes sir…”

“Good then, that will be all. I will take Tobe to his room so that he can freshen up for dinner..” Mr law made attempt to stand but Tobe stopped him.

“Why not allow Aka take me instead. Is just to show me the room and I will come back to join you..”

“Oh! Ok.. that’s fine..” Mr Law said calmly.

He looked up at my face and asked me to take Tobe to his room.

I picked up his small Leather bag which was lying beside him.
I walked ahead, trying to make sure he didn’t catch up.
He slowly followed behind.

I got to the room, dropped his bag and was about leaving when he walked in and closed the door.

“What the hëll Aka, you left without notice or a call. I called severally but couldn’t reach you. I went to your former place and was told you Left and never returned..”
“..You’re working for The Law now? Is he scrëwīng you too?

“I don’t know what you’re talking about please. This is my working place and certain language isn’t allowed..”

“You’re an ungråteful bæstard, after all the love I showed you? We were dating and you didn’t see reason to update me when you got a Job..?
“…I would have fvckk up that night at the hotel because that was a perfect time and you will be fulfilling your right as my høokup sëxy girl..”

“… Does Law knows that you’re into høokup?

“Leave me alone Tobe. For your information i never agree to any of your request. We were not in any relationship and you offering to help me or give me money was from the abundant of your heart. I’m I was only seen as a one night høokup girl because I was in desperate need. Please, this is the only job I have, don’t spoil it for me, I beg you Tobe..”

“You will have to pay with your body or I will tell my rich friend that you’re into høokup, I will let him understand the kind of girl that you’re and why you shouldn’t be working under his roof..”

“Please Tobe, let me be please. If it’s about the money you gave me, I’m ready to calculate and return them back…”

He began to laugh.

“You hurt me Aka because I was planning to devøur you before you disåppear. I never knew that this is where you’ve been hiding all this while, I would have come sooner. Well, is a good thing I’m here now.. you look…”

He licked his lips with his tongue and began to demonstrate with his hand.

“..You look taller, fuller, prettier and delicious..”

I turned to leave but he stood, blocking the door.
“… you’re not going anywhere. Except you promise to sneak into my room tonight and every other nights I will spend here to fulfil your promise in bed to me because you obviously owe me..”

“I owe you nothing, Tobe. If you want the money you gave me, I will calculate it all and return it back to you…”

“, You think you’ve money now right? You got nothing. Running your mouth won’t save you from me. I got you now and there’s no escaping and if you try to disobey, I will tell Law how I first met you..”

He drawer me roughly to himself

“Let me go Tobe..get those hands of yours off me..” I said as I fought back.

He turned and pin me to the wall, he grabbed my bøøbs

“The oranges on your chëst are so succùlent and bigger than the last time. Your back side grew larger too and you’re taller than I last saw you. You aren’t a sixteen years old vïrgin girl anymore, so quit acting like a kid..”

I slapped his hand off and try to push him away but he was too strong than I am.

He held my hands and began to kiss me like a crâzy, hungry pig.

I try to get free but there was no way.

“I got you now Aka, you will always be mine…” He repeated as he fümbled with my bréâst.
I Managed to free one of my hands.

I slapped him hard across the face before pushing him with all the strength I got.

He was surprised at the level of my strength as he fell back.

“You will regret this Aka..”

“You’re a disgùsting human being. God have mercy on you..” I managed to say while trying to unlock the door and leave.

He came to hold me from behind. Stroking me with his mânhøod from behind.

I screamed aloud and just then there was a knock.

That must be Mr Law

Tobe let me to go immediately and adjusted himself

“We’re not done. I will definitely have you before I leave this house..”

I quickly rushed to the door as the knocking became very loud.

I was panting hard as I opened the door.

(Do NOT take credit or plagiarize AMAH’S HEART STORIES)

Episode 29

As I opened the door and stepped out, it was Nneka.
“Aka, are you okay? As I was walking pass, I heard you scréäming..”

“Not really, I.. I’m okay..”

I hastily walked past Nneka to the kitchen side were we won’t be heard.

She followed behind

“Mr Law’s guest, I used to know him back in the hood. We met one of those strange night in a hotel, where I have gone for a høokup..?

“What’s høokup, you mean prøstïtütīon? Nneka whispered with a surprised face.

“More like it but I wasn’t into one. A neighbor talked me into it for that night and I decided to give it a try but I couldn’t do it. Tobe was the first client but I begged him not to hurt me and he didn’t..”
“…I thought he actually meant well for me until I happened to meet him again and he started demanding for intimacy and I couldn’t do that. I asked him to give me time to think it through. That was the last I saw him before coming to work here..”

“…I never knew he was the new guy doing maintenance on Mr Law’s car, I took him to his room and he held me, saying that I owe him and he must have me by force before he leaves here..”

“,He lie, that guy won’t do shït. whatever his name is, I don’t care but if he messes with you then he’s messing with me too…”
“… I believe you Aka and I’m taking over this fight from here. I will be serving him, make sure you stay clear off him. let me see how he will come and force himself on you. He’s so shameless..” Nneka said, obviously taking over the fight from me.

“…I would have suggested you inform Mr Law but that kind of boy may have something hanging on his sleeve. He will try to counter everything you say with the evidence of meeting you in a hotel for høokup or whatever it is. Lay low in your room and don’t show yourself, I will be at his service anytime he need to be attended to. Is just two days and he will be be gone from here…”

“Thank you Nneka…” I replied. She nodded and I walk to my room to relax from everything that happened.

Nneka later brought dinner to me while I was in the room.

“I told Mr Law that you’re not feeling strong. That mechanical, Tobe boy kept asking of you but I informed him that you’re not available and if he needs anything, he should tell me…”

I thanked Nneka and ate my dinner, had a cool shower before going to bed.

The following morning, I got ready for the day but didn’t step out of the room immediately.
I said a short prayer that everything will go down well.

Nneka must have left for the market because she’s the one that mostly go shopping for the house things every weekend.

Mr Law will only give her money and she will go to the market and will make sure she gets everything needed both for kitchen and the entire house wares.

I was already on my way out to start my day work when Kamp came knocking

“Since Nneka is off to the market, can you try to assist around the house? Nneka previously informed us that you’re not well, I hope you’re feeling better this morning…”

“Sure Kamp, I’m doing alright. Thanks for asking. I’m right behind you..”

I went straight to the kitchen to wash off all the used dishes but found out that Sylvester had already done that and was busy making breakfast.

I chat with him a little before leaving to clean, sweep and mob the house which has become my daily routine job.

While at it, Mr Law who was just leaving his room saw me cleaning.
I greeted him as usual

“I can see you’re feeling better this morning..”

“Yes sir..”

“Good! Tobe, my guy is not yet out. Can you make the chocolate tea with some toast to his room..”

“Ooh.. okay sir..” I said dryly and defeated.

“Is everything okay..” he suddenly asked

“Yes, sure sir. I only wanted to say that your friend may decide to come out to the dining for breakfast instead, I don’t know if he’s up yet…”

“Yes, he is. I guess he enjoys your service and personally requested that you send it in for him. I don’t know why but I love to make my guest very comfortable. Tobe is not exception..”

“Alright sir..”

“Can you hurry up with that. You need to help Sylvester set the table and my room needs cleaning..”

I nodded and went on my way to do as he instruct.

I took Tobe’s breakfast request to his room.
After double knocking and was instructed to come inside.

He was on his bed, the duvet was covering him from his waist down
He was with his phone.

He asked me to bring it to his bedside and I hesitated.

“Listen Aka, about yesterday, I might have over did things and I’m sorry. I didn’t means for it to turn out the way it did. such thing never happened before in my life, I don’t force women to be with me. I was only pissed because you were proven stubbørn.. I’m sorry..”

I nodded quietly.

He stood up from the bed, he walked up to me.

“If you’re really sorry, can we maintain a clear distance please…”

“I don bite Aka and won’t hûrt you. I said I don’t know what came over me yesterday and it won’t happen again. I was really angry for many reasons and I’m sorry if I hürt your feeling in anyway..”

He was just on a tight undies without a top
The undies exposed the whole shape of his mânhøod and I had to quickly look away.

“…I just want a simple hug..”

He collected the breakfast tray from my hand and dropped it on the table.

He gently try to pull me close to himself but I made attempt in walking to the door.

He draw me back, held my shoulder.

“Aka, I really like you. Stop doing this to me. I want you clearly but the more you reject me, the more I feel stûpíd. I only asked for a kiss nothing more.. you can go after then..”

“Tobe, please I can’t..”

“Why not? I didn’t ask you to sleep with me. I only asked for a simple kiss Aka and I promise to let you go..”

He bent over and kíssed me but he didn’t let me go.
Instead he moaned out loud as he held me tight to himself, grabbed my bøøbs and pushed me to the bed.

I fell and quickly try to get up but he descended on me like a rock.

I try to scream but he held my mouth.

“Please Aka, you’re driving me cräzy already. I’m going to be gentle and quick. The more you struggle, the more I want you. All I was thinking about all through the night is you, I try to deny it, but I really can’t think straight when you’re close to me..”

I try to plead and fought but his pants were off in no time and there stood his mânhøod, uprightly pointing at me.
He try to get under my gown and pull off my undies but I kept fighting him, making it difficult for him to have access.

“…I promise not to tell Law about your hoøk up business or reveal your true identity to him. I’m going to take you away from here and we will be together. You will never lack or work for any man. I promise..”
“… just relax and I promise you will enjoy it…”

“Get off me Tobe…”

I began to scream but he pressed his hand hard on my mouth.

I fought and struggled, I used my leg to kick him hard.
He released a silent scream.
I try to get up but he came back at me.

I threw another pünch to his face, he startled in pâin and rëtåliated with double of his.

I began screaming but he held onto my mouth again.
We føught roughly on the bed untill the door suddenly flew open.

Somebody opened the door and hurried inside like a speed of lightening

This time it was Mr Law.
“What the fvckk is going on here..”




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