Chapters 64 & 65

“Boss it’s done” One of the police officer informed Fernando.

“I’ve wired the money to your account already” Fernando replied and hung up.

” RIP Regina” Fernando laughed and took his car keys heading out of the house.

He went straight to the police station and began shedding crocodile te@rs.

” I give you twenty four hours to find out who k!lled my wife”Fernando held Gina’s c0rpse in his arms.

Cameras were all over filming him, as he acted his little drama, people began sympathizing with him.

“He really loves his wife”

“Heard she just came back from Japan”

“Who could have done this?”

Fernando finally let go of Gina and she was transferred to the morgue.

Since Fernando was a politician lots of citizen became his followers because of Gina’s de@th.

” Wow I just gained more followers, I’ll smooth win the next election” he thought inwardly.


Flowerina and Nicholas came to the mansion to see the kids.

” Good evening mother” Nicholas and Mrs Andrew hugged each other.

” Mummy” Adrianna flew to Flowerina’s arms which caused the adults to laugh.

” Guess who mummy brought home” Flowerina fondly touched her nose.

” A teddy be@r” Adrianna replied and Flowerina chuckled.

Adrian came downstairs holding Luna’s hand, they both went to stand beside Flowerina.

“Mummy brought Daddy” Flowerina gestures towards Nicholas who gave them his best smile.

” Daddy” Adrianna jumped on Nicholas hugging him so tight like he’d run away.

“Hello princess” Nicholas felt a new wave of excitement running through his veins.

” It’s my daddy” Adrianna hugged him again and they all laughed before facing Adrian.

“Adrian” Flowerina called and he sighed before going to Nicholas.

” Nice to meet you…… daddy” Adrian said though the word ‘daddy’ sounded strange to him it still felt good.

” Gosh you’re such a bore Adrian” Adrianna rolled her eyes.

” It’s ok princess Daddy is at fault for not being with you for so many years “Nicholas str0ke Adrian’s hair while holding Adrianna.

” Promise me you won’t leave us again” Adrianna stretched out her pinky finger.

” Pinky promise” Nicholas smiled at her.

” Can I call you daddy too?”cute Luna stepped forward.

” Of course cutie” Nicholas pecked her cheek and she giggled.

“Wow what a great family reunion” Carina came in with Miguel.

” I’m so happy for you brother in law” Carina gave Nicholas a hug.

” Guys meet Miguel my boyfriend” she introduced Miguel the whole family.

” Why Carina of all girls in the world? She is l@zy,stup!d,dbmb, doesn’t like cooking,and also……”

” It’s ok mother I can handle her” Miguel cuts off Mrs Andrew.

” You made the wrong choice,go and think about it again”Mrs Andrew rolled her eyes and everyone laughed at her dramatic behavior.

They all sat down in the living chatting and making fun of each other,while Mr Andrew and Miguel went to discuss somethings.

” What a happy family” Amara walked in with Matthew.

” Mummy I miss you” Luna hugged her mother.

” What about me Moon?” Matthew pouted and she pecked his cheek.

” I love you Daddy” Luna hugged him.

“Awwwwww” Flowerina and Amara chorused.

Minutes later Mr Andrew and Miguel came downstairs and joined the others.


It’s already time for dinner and Nicholas is not yet back which got Athena worried.

” What if he’s with Flowerina?” She thought.

” Dmn it” she y£lled and banged the table.

” I’m still eating Athena” Noah rolled his eyes.

She h!ssed and tried calling Nicholas’s phone but it was switched off.

” If you’re the one who tried k!lling me last night then you better watch your back” Noah said and went upstairs.

” That br@t” she gl@red at Noah’s figure.

After waiting for two more hours, Nicholas didn’t show up so she decided it’s time to end Noah’s life.

Athena went to her room and brought out strychn!ne and load the syringe with it before heading to Noah’s room.

Noah was already sound asleep when she entered and sneakily went beside him,just when she was about to $t@b the needle into his body Noah rolled to the other side of the bed and scre@med.

The guards heard his scre@m and ran into the room.

” Young master” some rushed to Noah while the others held Athena.

“She’s trying to k!ll me” Noah pointed at Athena.

” No I didn’t” she immediately den!ed it.

” I’ve got evidence Athena” Noah said and she charged towards him trying to shove the needle into his neck.

The guards moved closer to hold her but she shoved the needle into one of them and he dropped de@d on floor, she took that opportunity and ran out of the room but they followed her and caught up with her.

“No, leave me alone” she kept scre@ming as they dragged her away.

Nicholas appeared in the house few minutes after that with the police and Athena was taken away.

” Are you hvrt?” Nicholas asked Noah who shook his head negatively.

“We only have one last person to tackle now” Nicholas thought and sighed.



People gathered at the house after Gina’s bur!al,the police investigated the matter but couldn’t find anything, Fernando told them to forget about it.

” Accept our condolences” Fernando’s fellow politicians said and he nodded s@dly.

” You k!lled my mum,I h@te you” Darrel rushed in cry!ng,he went to Fernando and b!t his hand so hard.

” Darrell what is wrong with you? I know you are in p@in but….just calm down okay”Fernando took Darrell away.

” If you don’t want to end up like your p@thetic mother you better calm down and respect yourself” Fernando locked him up in his room and went back to meet his people.

” Boss there’s a pr0blem” one of the guards said and they stepped aside to talk.

” Athena was @rrested last night and an interrogation is currently going on” The guard rushed his words.

” Sht” Fernando cvrsed and ran out of the house.


Athena was cuffed and t0rtured by the police,the police officer sat in front of her asking her questions but she refused to reply to any of them.

“Answer my fking question” the police officer got @ngry and b@nged her fist on the table.

Athena laughed and threw head backwards, before frowning.

” Do your worst” Athena stubb0rnly shouted.

The police officer left the interrogation room and sighed tiredly.

” Welcome Mr Brooks” The police officers greeted Nicholas as he walked into the station.

” Where is she?” He asked and he was directed to the interrogation room.

” Nick believe me I don’t know what came over me……”

” Are you still playing the innocent card Athena? I know you have a hand in what happened to Flowerina so you better confess who your accomplice is”Nicholas said in a single breath giving her a cold stare.

Athena swallowed and knew that she is was done for.

” Or do you prefer to take the pun!shment for your accomplice” Nicholas smirked misch!evously.

” I………i…” She bvrsted into te@rs while Nicholas left the room.

” Give her some time to calm down” Nicholas said and went out to meet Flowerina and Noah.

” Did she confess?” Flowerina held his hand.

” No but she will” Nicholas replied and they left the station.

Fernando bribed a cop who immediately went to meet Athena in her cell.

” Hey” he whispered and Athena raised up her head.

” Don’t you dare say a word that will implicate sir Fernando or you will d!e just like Gina” The cop said and left without waiting for her reply.

Athena sat back on the floor cry!ng out of @nger and regret, how dare Fernando thre@ten her after everything they’ve done together.

“I’ll talk” she mumbled inaudibly.


The whole family were present and a family party was going on.

The men of the house gathered at the balcony chatting randomly and drinking.

“I’m so lucky to have Amara as a wife, please do well to thank your friend for letting her go” Matthew said to Nicholas who chuckled.

” I’m luckier than you I have Carina all to myself” Miguel said proudly.

” Well I’m the luckiest I have the eldest daughter of the house and three adorable children” Nicholas spoke up.

” Let’s treat them well with so much love, respect and so much care” Nicholas said and they all agreed.

” How do I propose to Carina? “Miguel asked and the remaining two men bvrsted into laughter.

” Google it, coz I proposed to mi gema immediately Fernando br0ke her heart” Nicholas replied.

” I proposed to her after she gave birth” Matthew said and Miguel sighed.

” Nick I still have to hand your father’s company back to you” Miguel said.

” The company you sold” Nicholas chuckled and they all laughed.

” I just did that to sc@re him and it worked” Miguel replied.

” Just keep it and make me proud, we’re now brothers after all” Nicholas replied.


Nicholas hired guards to take care of Athena overnight after she confessed the truth because he knew Fernando will come for her.


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