Chapters 68 & 69




Eunice called Nicholas and he immediately rushed to the house,he was sh0cked to see his mother who he hardly remembered what she looked like.

” Hey son,how are you doing?” Helen gave Nicholas a hug.

” Why did you come back?”Nicholas asked.

” To see my kids and my husband of course I missed you guys” Helen smiled and adjusted her short skirt.

” The kids you left because,your husband was br0ke,what type of a mother are you?” Blair y£lled in @nger.

” Calm down baby” Helen smirked.

” I can vividly remember how you h@ted Nicholas at that time,we have a mother already we don’t need you” Blair held Eunice’s hand.

” She’s just a replacement,now that I’m back,she has to leave” Helen glared at Eunice.

” She’s not going anywhere, and don’t you dare try anything funny, because I will forget the fact that you’re my mother and deal with you” Nicholas said to Helen.

” Tell us the amount of money you need and I’ll give,just stay away from us” Blair spoke up.

” One billion US dollars” Helen did fe@rlessly with feeling remorseful.

” I will give you the money” Nicholas said and she gave him her account number,he dropped the money in her account and she laughed.

” Take care of yourselves and don’t expect to see me anytime soon,see you in the next ten or fifteen years” Helen blew them a k!ss and left.

” Mother are you ok?” Nicholas held Eunice’s hand who was looking p@le.

” I’m fine” Eunice gave him a light smile and he hugged her.

“You will forever remain our mother” Blair also hugged her.

” Mummy Xavier br0ke my car” Kevin ran to the living room while frowning.

” Gosh having kids means tr0uble” Blair rolled her eyes funnily.


Celine and Harold entered the house and met the family of three playing around the house.

” Daddy” Luna hugged Harold and he chuckled happily.

” Hey baby girl” Harold showered her face with k!sses.

” Hey Luna” Celine waved at her and she waved back.

” What are you up to Celine?” Amara stood straight while Matthew stood beside her.

” I’m sorry Amara I shouldn’t have talked to you like that the other day,I was f0olish back then, and I also take Luna as my own daughter” Celine said with all seriousness and sincerity.

” But……”

“Mara please” Matthew cuts her off and squeeze her hand.

” Ok fine I forgive you” Amara said and Celine rushed to hug her.

“Aunt Celine come and see my pink house” Luna came down from Harold’s arms and held Celine’s hand taking her upstairs.

” Isn’t she so cute” Matthew stared at little Luna with so much love.

” Yeah she is” Amara replied.

” I’ll be going to the hospital babe,take care of yourself and my baby” Matthew pressed his lips on hers,kssing her deeply.

Harold was hvrt and he immediately looked away.

” I love you”

” I love you more” Matthew winked at her and waved at Harold before leaving the house.

“I’m glad he is taking care of you” Harold said to Amara and she smiled.

” Yeah he’s the best husband ever” Amara replied.

” Then I’ll be the best husband to my wife too and the best father to my kids” He said and Amara nodded.

” I’m still regretting what I did in the past,if I hadn’t done that we would have been together by now, I’m sorry Amara,in the next life I’ll do anything possible to make you mine” Amara blinked back her te@rs after listening to him.

” It’s fine we were not meant to be” she replied and he felt like hugging her but he knows how possessive Matthew can be.



” You may k!ss the bride” the priest said and Miguel k!ssed Carina’s lips sweetly.

” Geez take it easy dude” Matthew giggled.

” Congratulations baby,go forth and be a virtuous woman” Mrs Andrew hugged Carina with te@ry eyes.

” I love you mum” Carina hugged her back.

” Miguel take care of my daughter” Mr Andrew and Miguel also exchanged hugs.

” To lastest couple in town” Matthew raised his glass.

” Thank bro” Miguel smiled at him.

” Can’t believe my baby just got married” Flowerina pouted her lips and hugged her.

” Congratulations baby sis” Amara hugged her too.

” Thank you” Carina was so touched to the point of shedding te@rs.

” Hi guys, congratulations Carina wishing you a happy family” Celine came to meet them.

” Oh it’s our pregnant Celine,how does it feel to be pregnant?”Flowerina asked.

” It’s stressful duh,I feel like spitting the baby out” Celina crunches her nose.

” Don’t you dare” Harold pecked her lips.

The celebration went on till it was time for everyone to leave.

The whole family gathered and took different pictures before leaving.


Mrs Andrew kept cry!ng while Mr Andrew comforted her.

” I miss my babies,they should just come and stay with us” She s0bbed.

” Calm down honey,at least they both didn’t put us to sh@me,they got married decently and legally” Mr Andrew hugged her.

” Their husband should d!vorce them and allow them to come back to us” she said and he furrowed his brows.

” Should I also d!vorce so you can go back to your parents?” He asked and she raised her head to face him.

“Don’t you dare” Mrs Andrew warned and they both ended up laughing.


Fernando was sentenced to life impr!sonment while Mr Brooks severed his eight months in j@il with a fine of two million.

He stood outside the central j@il looking so h@ggard and old.

” Father” Nicholas and Miguel appeared before him.

” My sons” Mr Brooks hugged the both of them while shedding te@rs.

” Let’s go” Nicholas br0ke the hug and thy took him home.


Everyone was present when Mr Brooks entered and his grandchildren came to hug him.

” Grandpa” Kevin and Xavier were the first to hug him.

” C’mon go on he is your Grandpa” Flowerina urged the twins.

” Welcome home Grandpa” Adrianna gave Brooks a flower and he bursted into te@rs.

” Don’t cr* grandpa we all love you” she said and they all hugged including Noah.

” Am I late?” Bernardo rushed in.

“You’re not late hubby” Blair went to hug her husband.

After hugging his kids Brooks turned to Carina.

” I’m sorry for….” He almost went down on his knees but Carina stopped him.

” We all make mistakes Dad, I’ve forgiven you” Carina hugged him and Miguel smiled.

” Father aren’t you forgetting someone?”Flowerina asked and Brooks gasped when he saw Eunice looking so beautiful and lovely in a short gown.

” Oh my God,how can I forget my lovely wife” Brooks hugged Eunice who immediately started shedding te@rs.

” I’m sorry darling,I missed you” Brooks hugged her tightly.

” I’ve forgiven you” Eunice said.

The whole house was filled with their chats and laughter.


” No please don’t k!ll me I’ll pay you back” Helen tr£mbled as a gvn was placed on her head.

” I’m tired of hearing the same thing Helen” the person f!res a bvllet and it met her chest penetr@ting deep inside.

” Throw her away” The person ordered and walked away.

Helen was taken to the front of Brooks family house where she was thrown carelessly on the ground.

The guard saw her and ran to inform the family.

“Helen” Brooks held her in his arms.

” I’m…. sorry….honey” she coughed out bl0od and te@rs slid out of Blair’s eyes.

” I know….. I’m a b@d mother and wife….. please forgive me,tell my grandchildren……I love them….”

” Save your strength Helen we will soon get to the hospital” Brooks said and in few minutes Nicholas pulled up in front of the hospital.

The doctor began working on her and after thirty minutes they all came out with a s@d expression.

” She wants to see all of you” the head doctor said and they all went inside.

” Eunice…. I’m glad you came into their lives….. please continue taking care of them “Eunice’s cr!ed harder when Helen said that to her.

” After I ran away I became a g@mbler…..I thought it was right until now… My daughter in laws….. please take care of my sons and you too Bernardo” Helen held Flowerina and Carina’s hands.

” Miguel… I’m just seeing you….for the first time….be a good child like your elder brother” te@rs silded out of her eyes.

She faced Nicholas and smiled at him, Nicholas rushed to hug her and she pecked his forehead before lifel£ssly closing her eyes.

” No mum” Blair cr!ed loudly.

Flowerina and Carina went to comfort her while cry!ng.

Nicholas wiped his te@rs and pecked Helen’s c0rpse before stepping aside.


Helen was bur!ed silently no social media was involved.

Nicholas @rrested those that k!lled his mother and they were pun!shed according to the law.

“We all love her but God loves her more” Flowerina held Nicholas’s hand.

” I love you mi gema” He faced her.

” Till eternity”Flowerina smiled and they kssed briefly before leaving the bur!al ground.


Angela and Evans held their child’s hand shopping around the mall when they bumped into Amara and Flowerina.

” Hi Angela it’s been a while” Flowerina smiled at her.

” Yeah nice to meet you guys again” Angela replied and they took some selfies before going different ways.

” My husband is waiting for me Flower see ya” Amara rushed out of the shopping mall after paying for their stuff.

” How dare you d!tch me Mara?” Flowerina shouted after her.

” That’s why I’m here to pick you up” Nicholas appeared behind her.

” Thanks for coming babe” Flowerina hugged him.

” Anything for mi gema” Nicholas k!ssed her passionately and people around began snapping pictures of them.

And they all lived happily ever after.


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