Chapters 66 & 67


Fernando came out of his house holding Darrell’s hand as they walked towards the car.

” Leave me” Darrell cr!ed loudly while Fernando kept dragging him.

” The police will soon be here just tell them I travelled” Fernando said to his guards drove out of the house.


Athena sat helplessly on the floor waiting for whatever pun!shment the law will give her.

Te@rs slid down her face when she remembered how she turned ev!l just to get Nicholas even though she knew he doesn’t like her.

” Arrrrrgggghhhhhh” she held her stomach as bl0od began running down her nose and mouth.

” Help” she used her last strength and shouted,the police officers ran to the cell but she was already de@d.

” Boss she’s de@d” one of the cops excused himself to call Fernando.

” Your daughter’s bill has been paid,and don’t let anyone know about this” Fernando said and hunged up.

” You’re also de@d” the cop heard a voice behind him and he froze.


Nicholas promised to come and take Flowerina and the kids back after everything is solved.

” Mummy your phone’s ringing” Adrianna ran to Flowerina while holding her phone.

” Thanks princess” She kssed her forehead and collected the phone.

“Hey Flower can you please come over, there’s something you need to see” Amara said immediately she picked the phone.

” Alright I’m on my way” Flowerina replied and took her car key.

” I’ll be back soon” she touched Adrianna’s hair fondly before leaving.

Nicholas ran to the station when he heard about Athena’s de@th.

” She was p0isoned by one of our cop,the cop was br!bed by Fernando” one of the police officer explained to Nicholas.

Nicholas moved closer to Athena and stared at her calm and peacefully c0rpse.

” Be good in your next life” he mumbled.

” Any news about Fernando?”he turned to the cop.

” He escaped but we are hundred percent sure that he is still in here not abroad”

Nicholas received a phone call and stepped out to pick.

” Your wife’s life is in d@nger,I tempered with the brakes and she is currently driving on Iceland highway,go save her” the caller said and ended the call.

Nicholas gritted his teeth and ran out of the hospital calling Flowerina’s phone.

” Hey Nick” Flowerina answered the call.

” Where are you?”Nicholas asked.

” Currently in Iceland highway, heading to Amara’s place” Flowerina replied.

” Can you just keep driving till the car runs out of gas”Nicholas said and Flowerina furrowed her brows.

” Why?” Flowerina asked.

” The brakes was tempered with just keep driving I’m on my way, don’t p@nick just calm down ok”Nicholas said and entered his car.

Flowerina bit her lips and made a U-turn heading to the beach.


Fernando arrived at an uncompleted building in the middle of the forest, Darrell kept cry!ng and Fernando found it irr!tating.

” Just stop will you” he shouted but Darrell didn’t listen to him.

” I want my mummy,I h@te you” Darrell y£lled back him and Fernando got more furi0us.

” I can just waste you now,after all I’m still young I can give birth to many more children” Fernando h!ssed and glared at him.

” Am I really your son? Why do you h@te me and my mum so much?”Darrell asked in te@rs, looking pit!ful and heart br0ken.

” Just shut up” Fernando brought out his gvn and sh0t Darrell straight in the head.

Seven years old Darrell gasped and fell on ground while te@rs kept sliding out of his eyes.

“Just get rid of his body” Fernando ordered and the guards took Darrell away.

” Some peace at last” Fernando sighed.

“Nicholas must have been distracted by now trying to save his wife,I have to leave tonight” He laughed man!acally.

” Boss it’s done” The guards came back.

” So soon?”Fernando chuckled d@rkly.

” Yeah so soon” they pointed their gvns at him.

” What is wrong with you guys?” He moved back a little.

” You’re under @rrest for the mvrder of your wife,Athena and your son”the cops said and Fernando kcked the gvn out of the cop’s hand.

A hot f!ght br0ke out between them.

Fernando pvnched two at a time and they fell on the floor gro@ning.

” What do you expect from a Mafia?”He smirked and a cop pvnched his face causing him to stagger,his lips got bvrsted and he tried escaping through the window.

” He’s trying to escape” one of them shouted.

Fernando jumped down and began running towards his car,the cops began sho0ting at him.

” Sht” he grunted when a bvllet met his shoulder.

He got to the car and made to open the door when someone pvnched his shoulder.

“Dmn it” he scre@med.

” Trying to escape huh?” Harold smirked and pvnched him again and again and again.

The cops got to them and took Fernando from Harold.

” Thanks officer” Harold said to the cop and they replied politely before taking Fernando away.

Darrell’s c0rpse was placed on a stretcher,when Harold saw him he began cry!ng.

It was just too pit!ful how a seven years old boy tried to be a hero.


After Darrell showed the video of Fernando m@ltreating Gina to the cops,they planted a tracker in his hair and he promised before taking him home.


Harold wiped his te@rs and left the place heading home.


Thankfully it was still early in the morning so people weren’t much in the beach, Flowerina drove towards the water and jumped out of the car allowing the car to run into the sea.

She rolled out of the car and landed on the sand,she opened her eyes when she felt that she was safe.

” Thank goodness” she watched as her car began sinking into the water.

” Mi gema” Nicholas came out of his car and ran to her hugging her tightly.

“Nick I almost d!ed”she began cry!ng on his chest.

” You’re now safe mi gema” he said in a shaky tone,he was so sc@red when the person called him,he couldn’t imagine her leaving him again.

” Let’s go home” he picked her up in his arms and placed her in the car driving to his house.

” Sir Nicholas Fernando’s @rrested his tra!l starts tomorrow” the cop called Nicholas and informed him.

” Thanks officer I’m really grateful”

” Everything’s over mi gema our enem!es are gone” Nicholas said and turned to her with a smile on his face.

” I’m glad” Flowerina mirrored his smile.


” Just let me out of here” Fernando kept making noise in his cell.

” I didn’t do anything wrong, you’ll all regret this when I get out of here” he shouted.


Harold got home in low spirit,his eyes were red red due to how he cr!ed.

” Harold are you ok?”Celine rushed to hold his hand.

” The innocent boy d!ed Celine,he k!lled a seven years old boy” Harold bvrsted into tears hugging Celine to himself.

Celine was confused at what he is saying but she just allowed him to hug her and calm down.

After some minutes Harold calmed down and br0ke the hug.

” I’m sorry I st@ined your shirt…..”

” No it’s fine”

” Celine can we just get a d!vorce,this marriage won’t work,I want to have my own kids Celine i want twins just like Nicholas” Harold said and Celine bit her lips.

” I’m ready to be a mother Harold and I’m sorry for everything I’ve done, let’s make this marriage to work,I also want to have babies with you” Celine held his hand while looking into his eyes.

” Are you serious?” Harold asked and she nodded.

” Let’s start afresh” Celine said.

” What about Luna?”

” She is your daughter Harold you can bring Luna here anytime you want and I will also apologize to Amara” Celine hugged him.

Harold smiled as fresh te@rs started pouring out of his eyes.


Carina brought the kids to the villa and Noah was so excited to meet his siblings.

” You’re so cute brother Noah” Adrianna pecked his cheek.

” You’re my princess Anna” Noah picked her up and twirled her around.

” Hey she is my sister don’t ste@l her away from me” Adrian warned him.

” You’re too boring Adrian” Adrianna frowned her face.

” Really?”Adrian asked.

” Yeah” Noah and Adrianna laughed at him before leaving for Adrianna’s new room.

” I’m happy they getting along” Flowerina placed her head on Nicholas’s chest,as they walked into their room.

” Same here,thanks for being part of my life mi gema” They shared a brief kss that was full of love.

“I’ve missed you mi gema,I want to….” Nicholas trailed off when Flowerina kssed his lips hungr!ly.

” I want you too” Flowerina whispered and removed her top.

” Get ready baby” Nicholas n@ughtily took her n!pple in his mouth svcking it w!ldly.

“Oh yes baby” Flowerina mo@ned.


Blair visited Eunice to check up on her,she came along with her two sons,and Bernardo promised to come and pick them up.

” Granny’s the best” Xavier hugged Eunice after he finished eating the apples she peeled for him.

“Get away from my granny” Kevin pushed his elder brother away from Eunice.

” I love you granny” Kevin hugged her and Blair laughed at their drama.

” Granny loves you both” Eunice k!ssed their foreheads.

” Miss a lady is here to see you”the butler came in and reported.

” Let her in” Eunice said.

They heard footsteps approaching them and when they both turned they spranged up instantly.

” Mum”

“Helen” Eunice and Blair chorused.

” I’m back” Helen laughed at them and sat on the couch.

” Where is my husband?” Helen asked while looking around.

Eunice and Blair exchanged glances not knowing what to say.


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