Chapters 53 & 54


Noah went straight to Nicholas’s office immediately after school, he bossily entered the office after greeting the secretary.

” Evening Dad” He said with a poker face and sat down on the sofa.

” What brings you here Noah?” Nicholas asked.

” I’m here to tell you the truth”Noah said and Nicholas furrowed his brows.

” Athena has a hand in Flowerina’s disappearance, she has been thre@tening me since then to keep my mouth shut else she elim!nates me but I don’t care anymore,just know Flowerina’s always innocent” Noah explained and Nicholas leaned back on his chair staring at the ceiling, he has always been suspecting Athena but he has no evidence.

” Have you found Flower I miss her” Noah turned to look at him.

” No I think she is somewhere far from France” Nicholas replied, the duo stayed in the office together and had dinner before heading home.


Athena sI@pped a maid because she added onions to Kara’s food.

” I’m sorry ma’am I’m new here……”

” Shut the fk up, you’re f!red” she thvndered.

” Who are you to f!re my workers? “Nicholas came into view with Noah beside him.

“Nick she added onions to our daughter’s food now Kara is in her room throwing up” Athena said calmly.

” That doesn’t give you the right to f!re her” Nicholas coldly said and went to his room, Noah and Athena glared at each other before he went upstairs.

Athena h!ssed @ngrily and followed Nicholas to his room but he was nowhere to be found, she went to Kara’s room and found him sitting on the bed with Kara.

” Are you sure you’re ok?” He affectionately str0ke Kara’s hair.

” I’m fine daddy,I miss you tho” she hugs him and close her eyes.

” Same here sweetie, now go to bed it’s late already” Nicholas pecked her forehead and left the room, Athena followed him behind but he ignored her completely.

” Nick don’t you think it’s high time we get married? What will people think when I have been staying here for seven good years and yet we’re still not married”she held a s@d look on her face but Nicholas didn’t care.

“Athena, Kara came by mistake and I don’t want it to repeat itself, and besides I’m still married to Flowerina, coz I didn’t sign the d!vorce papers and also you insisted on staying here to take care of Kara, so just get out” he didn’t wait for her reply and went into the bathroom.

Athena left the room and went to Noah’s.

” What did you tell your father?” Her unfriendly eyes f!ercely glaring at him.

” Everything he is suppose to know” Noah pushed her out of his room and locked the door.

” Your days on Earth are numbered Noah” she smirked and left.


” Woah look who we have here” Flowerina said when Vivian stepped into her office.

” C’mon stop exaggerating” Vivian sat opposite her.

” Why did you call me? Is there any pr0blem?”Vivian asked getting straight to the point.

” I want to go back to France Viv but I’m sc@red what if they come for me again, I’m so much concerned about my children’s safety”Flowerina said.

” Don’t worry I will protect all of you, me and my team will follow you low key they wouldn’t suspect a thing, beside you’re now having a new face so they won’t recognize you” Viviana said and Flowerina nodded.

” Thanks Viv you’re the best” Vivian smiled and they kept on chatting.


Carina and Miguel sat opposite each other in a restaurant eating their dinner in silence.

” Let’s go to my place after this I missed you” Miguel said with a n@ughty smile on his lips.

” I’m not coming with you b@d boy” Carina rolled her eyes.

” We’ll see about that” Miguel bit his lips while giving her a sxy look.

“Boss they’re still together” An unknown figure reported to his boss through the phone.

” Find a way to get her out of his life even if it means wiping her out” A d@ngerous voice came through before hanging up.


Harold walked into the mansion at night and met Celine waiting for him while pressing her phone.

” Is this the right time to come home Harold? Did she ride your d*ck so well that you loose track of time? “She stood up with her hands on her waist.

Harold ignored her and went to his room, he sat on the bed and closed his eyes, the reason why he married Celine was because she is bursty and curvy, her backside alone drives him cr@zy, that was why he didn’t object when his father hooked them up.

He was so obsessed with her body and didn’t care about the character now he’s regretting it.

” Why will you ignore me Harold, dose she sck you like I do? “She went on her knees and vnzipped his p..ants.

” Celine I’m not in the mood” He tried pushing her away, but Celine grabbed his thing inserting it in her mouth.

They banged each other before tiredly cvddling.

” When are we going to have kids Celine?” Harold asked and she h!ssed.

” I’ll never get pregnant talk less of giving birth, I don’t like children Harold, once I give birth I’ll become old and I’m not ready for that” Celine said and he sighed.

Their marriage was just based on sxual desires.

” Just fk me instead of talking shit” Celine sat on his thing.

” Hmmm yes” she mo@ned.



The maids could be seen preparing breakfast early in the morning, while Amara and Matthew are still cvddling.

” Flowerina and the kids will soon be here let’s take a shower” Amara tried standing up but Matthew pulled her back.

” I love you Mara” he looked straight into her eyes and she blushed.

” I love you too Matt,such a r0mantic husband” Amara kssed his lips but they were interrupted when someone knocked on the door.

Little Luna came in holding her Barbie doll, she walked to them and lay down in between them.

” Wassup sweetheart” Matthew kssed her forehead.

” I miss Daddy” she snuggles into his embrace which brought a smile to Matthew’s face.

” Daddy misses you too, let’s go on a date within the week” Matthew said and Luna nodded immediately.

” Luna you just took away my husband” Amara pouted her lips.

” He is my Daddy” Luna stuck out her tongue and all of them laughed heartily.

After some family time Flowerina and her kids arrived and they all sat down at the dinning including granny Esther.

” Granny let’s go to the garden I miss those flowers” Adrianna said and granny Esther nodded.

Adrian kept eating his food without getting involved in their conversation, Flowerina glanced at him and chuckled.

” Is Adrian coming with us?” Luna asked and they all faced Adrian.

” Yes” he replied and Luna squeals excitedly.


Kara came downstairs early the next morning holding her teddy bear, she rubbed her eyes cutely with a pout on her face making her adorable and innocent.

” Hey baby” Noah came out of the kitchen holding a bottle of water.

” Big bro” Kara ran to hug him, Noah pecked her cheek and she giggled.

” Take me to the park today mum and dad are always busy” she said and Noah nodded.

” I love you”she pecked his cheek but someone sn@tched her away from him.

” Stay away from my daughter Noah don’t influence her with your b@d habits”Athena glared at him.

“Love you too baby” Noah blew Kara a k!ss and left.

Athena h!ssed and sm@cked Kara.

” Stay away from him, else I’m going to k!ll you” Kara s0bbed silently and went back to her room.

Nicholas saw her going to her room and followed her

“What’s wrong sweetie? Why are you cry!ng?” He made her sit on his laps.

” She went to kitchen and was playing with kn!fe then I scolded her and here she is cry!ng” Athena replied while coming into the room.

” I’m sorry baby” Athena held her hand and gave her a thre@tening look, Kara nodded and looked away.

” Let’s go for a morning drive” Nicholas said and Kara hugged him.

” Let’s go Daddy”

” Can I come?” Athena asked.

” It’s just father and daughter moment Athena” Nicholas held Kara’s hand and they left the house together.

Athena h!ssed and glared at Kara’s retreating figure with so much h@tred, only God knows how much she h@tes Kara.


Amara and Flowerina were shopping for clothes when a guy approached Flowerina.

” Hi beauty goddess” he gave her a charming smile, but Flowerina rolled her eyes and walked away.

“I’m Austin, nice to meet you…..”

“Flower what do think about this dress?” Amara asked.

” Dmn it”Flowerina mumbled.

“Oh you’re Flower, I get it, you look like a flower, mind giving me your number”

” I’m a married woman with kids mister”Flowerina @rrogantly said and walked away.

“I don’t care”Austin shouted after her with a smirk on his face.


Carina came out of a grocery store when someone followed her and tapped her.

” Ma’am you left this” the person handed her, her withdrawal card before she could say anything, he sprayed something on her face and she fell unconscious.

He took her to the car and drove away.


Miguel and Maximus were both having coffee when one of the guards came in with unconscious Carina and dropped her on the couch.

” Rina” Miguel pan!cked and ran to her.

” I’ve told you millions of times to stay away from her but you always rebel, so it’s either i end her life now or she walks out of your life”Maximus said and Miguel gasped.

” Please don’t k!ll her what has she ever done to you? “Miguel asked still holding Carina.

” Her sister was the reason why my son rebelled against me and now you’re following his footsteps” Maximus y£lled at him.

” You have a son? “Miguel asked.

” Yes I have two children male and female, but their days are numbered” Maximus smirked ev!lly.

” Who are you? “Miguel gasped.

” I’m Brooks Anthony the father of Nicholas Brooks” Brooks revealed himself and Miguel couldn’t believe it.

“Come in” Brooks said and a girl walked into the room, Miguel gasped when he recognized her.

” Flora?”

“Yes she is your betrothed” Brooks said with a dev!lish smile.

” Hi Miguel” Flora smiled and Carina opened her eyes.

Flora scoffed and sl@m her lips on his own, Carina gasped and and sat up when she saw that, te@rs voluntarily ran down her face.

“I’m sorry Carina we’ve been dating since in Cambridge” Flora said when she br0ke the kss.

Miguel was too sh0cked to say anything or react he looked back and saw one of Brooks men pointing a gvn at Carina.

” Yes it’s true, I was just using you Carina, it’s over now” Miguel said tho with so much difficulty.

Carina got up and ran out of the mansion not knowing where she was running to.

“Good boy” Brooks smirked at Miguel who f@inted immediately.

Flora smiled and turn to Brooks,she held his hand and took him upstairs and in just few minutes mo@ns were heard from the room.


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