Chapters 55 & 56

Carina ran barefooted on the lonely street not knowing where she was heading to,te@rs freely pouring out of her eyes,a car came speeding towards her and in the next minute she was in her own pool of blo0d.

” Boss it’s done” The driver informed Brooks and drove away.

Carina laid unconsciously till the next morning.


Mr and Mrs Andrew were both restless, pacing back and forth while trying to reach Carina’s phone.

They already reported it to the police and the police are currently looking for her.

“Inspector Duce is calling” Mr Andrew picked the call immediately.

“She was found unconscious,we are currently heading to the city hospital” The inspector said and Mr Andrew staggered but his wife was quick to hold him.

” Let’s go” he held her hand and they left the house.


Flower just received a phone call from France telling her about her sister’s situation.

” Mara book a flight for me now” she informed Amara.

” What about the kids?” Amara asked.

” Bring them over tomorrow” Flowerina replied as she was trying so hard to control her te@rs.

Amara did as she was told and in few minutes Flowerina left for the airport.


Mrs Andrew cr!ed till she passed out, Mr Andrew sat at the hallway with clenched fist.

” What have I done to deserve this?” He mentally asked himself.

He tries to remember any of his business partners that he offended but couldn’t remember having a f!ght with any of them.

Nicholas came rushing to him, he heard the news and rushed out of house.

” Oh Nicholas you’re here” Mr Andrew said in a we@k and tired tone.

” How are they doing?” Nicholas asked.

” My wife is currently resting while the doctors are still working on Carina” Mr Andrew sighed tiredly, Nicholas shook his head and sat beside him.



Matthew picked up the kids and brought them to his house.

” Where is my mummy” Adrianna asked in her babyish tone.

” Mummy travelled and you guys will follow her tomorrow” Matthew replied.

” Let’s eat and play hide and seek” Luna said and Adrianna nodded before they both ran to Luna’s room.

” Take care of them i have to go back to the office” Matthew said to Adrian who nodded and walked upstairs.


Athena couldn’t calm ever since she saw the news about Nicholas going to the hospital to see the Andrew’s.

The internet is currently on f!re with the news, and a lot of h@te comments were thrown at Flowerina.

“She doesn’t deserve a man like him”

“I wish she d!es wherever she is”

” But why will she run away from a man like this? ”

Athena couldn’t stop smiling as she read the comments.

It was already dark when Nicholas came back home.

” Why will you go to their place Nick, even after what that b?tch did to you”She r@nted but Nicholas ignored her.

” I’m talking Nick” Athena shouted at him.

” Pack your stuff and leave my house Athena” Nicholas said and she gasped in sh0ck.

” Nick” her tone soften.

Nicholas scoffed and went upstairs.

“What have I done” she cr!ed, in few minutes the maids came down with her luggage and she was thrown out of the house that same night.

” Boss we found them” Nicholas received a call from his informant.

” Good” he said and hung up before going to Kara’s room.

Kara was already sound asleep, he k!ssed her forehead before checking up on Noah.

” You chased her out already” Noah asked the moment he opened the door.

” Happy?” Nicholas asked and Noah smirked.


Flowerina dashed in and ran to Carina’s ward, she met her parents outside the ward looking all exhausted.

” Mom, dad” she muttered but Mrs Andrew heard her.

” Who are you?” Mrs Andrew asked, Flowerina bit her lips not knowing what to say.

“Wait I know this scent” Mrs Andrew looked at her face again.

” Mum it’s me Flower” Flowerina replied and te@rs escaped Mrs Andrew’s eyes.

” It’s you, my baby” Mrs Andrew hugged her tightly, Mr Andrew also joined the hug.

” What happened to your face” Mrs Andrew asked.

” My face was destroyed and I had to go through surgery” Flowerina replied and Mrs started another round of te@rs.

” How is Carina?” Flowerina asked.

” She is fine, the doctor said she needs rest” Mr Andrew replied.


Amara and Matthew arrived at the airport with the kids, and boarded the plane.

“Calm down babe” Matthew gave Amara a light squeeze.

” What if I meet Harold? “Amara p@nicked.

” Babe stop overthinking okay” Matthew k!ssed her hand and she nodded.

The kids were enjoying each other’s company, they chatted and watched cartoon together except for Adrian who has his earpiece on.

The FBI team also boarded the same plane.


Flowerina persuaded her parents to go home and take a rest,while she stay with Carina.

She caressed Carina’s hair while cry!ng that she didn’t notice when Nicholas came in.

” How is she doing?” He asked and Flowerina fr0ze.

” She…….she…….is fine” She managed to reply.

Nicholas stared at her waiting for her to raise her head but Flowerina kept using her hair to hide her face.

“Mummy” Adrianna ran into the ward.

Flowerina felt cold chills running down her spine.

“Oh baby you’re here” She hugged Adrianna.

Adrian came in with his hands tucked in his pocket, Nicholas looked at him and could see the resemblance.

Adrian gave him a cold look and walked to Flowerina.

Nicholas smiled and left the hospital, Flowerina raised her head and couldn’t find Nicholas, she sighed in relief and faces the kids.

“Hey Flower” Amara came in with Matthew and Luna.

Carina later woke up and the doctor did some check ups on her and confirmed that she is ok.

” Thank God you’re ok sis I almost d!ed” Flowerina said to Carina.

” It would have been better if you d!ed, go back to where you’re coming from”Carina @ngrily snapped at her.

Matthew already took the kids home so it’s just the three women in the ward.

” Calm down Carina” Amara made to hold her.

” Don’t touch me, all this while you she was with you but you didn’t bother to tell us, mum fell s!ck and was admitted to the hospital for months but…… ” Carina bursted into te@rs.

Amara and Flowerina exchanged glances and sighed gu!ltily.


Athena came looking for Fernando but Gina prevented that from happening because she stopped Athena from entering.

” Don’t you dare allow her in the mansion” Gina warned the guards.

Thankfully for her Fernando travelled to Alaska.

Athena @ngrily left the place, she tried calling Fernando but she couldn’t reach him.


Nicholas invited Amara over and she came along with Matthew.

“Did you find out who did that to Carina?” Amara asked.

” I’m still working on that” Nicholas replied.

“I wanted to thank you for your loyalty throughout these years I really appreciate that,it couldn’t…..”

” It’s ok Mr Brooks, no need to thank us”Matthew said.

Harold came in unexpectedly and froze when he saw Amara.

” Mara?” He muttered and Amara gulped down heavily before looking at Matthew.

” We’ll be leaving” Matthew held Amara’s hand and they left together.

” Mara wait” Harold followed them.

Nicholas shook his head and sighed.

” Oh hi Harold” Amara said still holding Matthew’s hand.

” We need to talk”

“There’s nothing to talk about Harold I’m happily married already, meet my husband Matthew” Matthew pecked her lips and Harold almost passed out.

They left and Harold stood there for ten more minutes before going back to meet Nicholas.


Miguel later woke up and found Flora beside him sleeping soundly.

” What the heck are you doing here?” He pushed her away and she landed on the floor.

” Miguel you can’t keep treating me like this, I’ve always love you since I’m Cambridge, I was only pretended because of Carina” Flora y£lled at him.

” I don’t love you Flora and I will never love you” Miguel h!ssed and left the room.

” It’s time to take over the company and bring more money to me Miguel” Brooks said when he saw Miguel descending the stairs.

“Was that why you took me from the orphanage and granted my wish of studying business administration, I’m more like a tool to you right? “Hot te@rs ran down his face as he spoke.

” You have to do what I want because your precious girlfriend is gone, disobey again and see what I can do” Brooks said and showed Miguel the news headlines about Carina.

” How can you be so w!cked, I’ll commit sv!cide then” Miguel went back to his room and Brooks sent his guards after him immediately.

” Nicholas and Blair your time is coming soon” Brooks smirked.


Two figures were sitting in the living room facing Nicholas.

” Bring Kara here” Nicholas said to one of the maids and Kara was brought in.

” My daughter” the woman rushed to hug her.

“Who are you? “Kara asked while looking at Nicholas.

” Your mum” Nicholas said and she became confused.

” Athena took you away from your parents,these are your parents” Nicholas explained and Kara ran to him cry!ng.

” No you are my daddy, I don’t want them” she hugged him.

Nicholas hugged her back trying to calm her down.

Noah watched them from upstairs, he wiped his te@rs and went back to his room.

” Daddy please” Kara cr!ed p?tifully.

The couple only stared at them.

” Baby daddy loves you and they also do” Nicholas gestures towards her parents.

Kara turned to them with red puffy eyes.

” Are you really my daddy” she asked the man and he nodded.

Surprisingly she ran to him before running back to Nicholas’s arms.

” Be a good girl like you’ve always being, make me proud baby” Kara hiccups as she left the house with her biological parents.

Nicholas sighed and closed his eyes, thinking about how to win his own kids heart.


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