Chapter 57 & 58



Flowerina has been trying so hard to hide herself from Nicholas, she works from home taking care of the kids and her sister, though Carina is still m@d at her.

” Mummy you said our daddy is in this country,where is he?” Adrianna sat on her laps.

” He went on a business trip and will soon come back” Flowerina l!ed while biting her lips.

“Hey girls” Mrs Andrew came in holding a shopping bag.

” Granny” Adrianna ran to hug her.

” Look what I got for you” Mrs Andrew passed the bag to her.

” Wow it’s a Barbie school bag and heels” Adrianna ran out to show her twin.

” You’re spoiling her too much” Flowerina smiled when her mum sat beside her.

” I have to they’re my grandchildren after all” Mrs Andrew replied.

” You need to settle things with Nicholas, he is really a good guy, he was always there whenever we need help” Mrs Andrew held her hand and Flowerina released a deep breath.

” I will talk to him” she gave her mum a slight smile though she was inwardly nerv0us.


Fernando locked up Gina in one of the rooms in the house and told everyone that she travelled out of the country.

“How are you doing wifey” he entered the room and sat before her.

Gina glared at him though her eyes reflected with fe@r and @nger.

” Why will you ever think of trying to get rid of me”he smirked and raised her head to face him.

” I’m not that easy to tackle yunno, and how dare you stop Athena from coming into this house” he sl@pped her so hard that her lips bursted.

” I’m tired of seeing your face Fernando, you k!lled my brother and guess what your so called daughter with Athena is not your biological daughter” Gina @ngrily said.

” What did you just say? “He asked but Gina only laughed ev!lly.

Fernando hi
Nssed and left the house immediately.

Athena’s now staying in a hotel that Fernando booked for her since she has nowhere to go.

She was watching a movie when Fernando came in with an @ngry expression.

” What’s wrong Nando” Fernando gra..bbed her neck squeezing it with so much f0rce.

” How dare you play games with me Athena?” He thvndered while she struggles to break free from him.

” Please…..” He let her go and te@rs escaped her eyes.

“The child…..I gave birth to…..d!ed and I paid the doctor to ste@l another baby for me….. I’m sorry” Athena explained.

” Does Nicholas knows about this? “He asked and she shook her head negatively.

” Good do everything possible to go back to that house and make sure she inherit his wealth” Fernando glared d@ngerously at her before leaving.


Matthew and his family went to the mall to get some news clothes and accessories.

” Daddy I want this” Luna pointed at a dress and Matthew picked it for her.

” How do I look?” Amara came out of the changing room looking hot in a maroon short gown that exposed a little bit of her cleavage.

Matthew hugged her immediately.

” Don’t wear this to public places, it’s only me” he whispered and she giggled.

” Amara” A feminine voice was heard behind Matthew.

” Celine OMG it’s been a while” Amara hugged Celine.

” You hot girly”Celine spanked Amara’s@ss and Matthew rolled his eyes.

” Meet my husband Matthew,babe this is Celine she was my roommate in college”Amara introduced them to each other.

” Nice to meet you Matt, you’re so handsome”Celina winked at him and Amara frowned .

“Oh I also came with my hubby” Celine said.

” Wow you got married?”Amara asked and she looked her eyes.

” Yeah my dad kinda f0rced me tho, hubby” Harold came in looking cold yet handsome with his hands in his pocket.

He stopped on his track when he saw Amara and the dress she’s wearing made him loose his breathe.

” Mummy I want that” Luna’s tiny voice came from the toy’s section.

Harold turned to the little girl and bit his lips when he saw Luna who is just a carbon copy of him and Amara.

He looked back at Amara but she looked away.

” Nice to meet you all me and my family will leave now” Matthew and his family left the place.

” What just happened,do you know them? And that little girl looks so much like you” Celina blvrt out.

” Yes she was my…….. isn’t it obvious the child is mine” he scoffed and left the mall.

” What!”her head banged and she followed him.


Nicholas called Athena to his office and in just few minutes she arrived looking all beautiful and lovely.

“Sit” he said and she sat down.

” Nick I’m sorry for what I did the last time I promise it will never happen again we’ll…… ”

” It’s fine, Kara went back to her parents already”Nicholas cuts her off and she froze.

” I knew it since from the beginning that your child d!ed and you br!bed the doctor to take Kara away from her parents”Nicholas bvrsted her bubbles and she began sweating.

“But it’s fine, come back to the house it kinda boring without you”Nicholas said and a smile found it’s way to her face.

“Are you serious?” She felt so excited at the moment but knowing what is coming her way.

” How about we have lunch together?” Nicholas asked and she immediately agreed.


Nicholas and Athena sat opposite each other having their lunch when Flowerina and her kids came in.

Athena gasped when she saw the kids looking like Nicholas but shoved the thought away when she saw that their mother wasn’t Flowerina, unknown to her Flowerina had a face surgery.

“Get us streaks” the twins chorused and Flowerina shook her head.

Nicholas saw them but because he was with Athena he couldn’t go to them, his gaze meet with that of Flowerina but she was quick to look away.

Miguel came downstairs with a heavy expression, since Brooks told him about Carina’s de@th he became distant and d@ngerously silent.

Flora has done everything possible to sedvce him but it didn’t work, there was a time he broke a bottle on her head and since then she has been avoiding him.

” Good morning son, get ready to take over the company tommorow, Nicholas will be so sh0cked to hear the news” Brooks laughed cr@zily.

Miguel ignored him and went out to the house driving to the park him and Carina always come to.

“I’m sorry you had to d!e because of me Rina” a lone te@r escaped his eye.

” Hey wassup” a guy sat beside him.

” Who are you?” Miguel asked but he ignored his question.

” Look at that beautiful lady over there but she looks so depressed “the guys gestures towards a lady sitting alone looking lost.

Miguel’s eyes widened when he saw her.

” Carina” he ran to her but stopped when Carina sent a glare at him.

” You’re alive” he made to hug her but she dodged.

” Who are you and what do you want from me? “Carina shouted at him and ran away from the place.

Miguel began cry!ng and went back to his car.

” F!ght for your love ngga” The guy followed him to his car.

Miguel wiped his te@rs and drive back home.

” I’m ready to take over the company” He said firmly to Brooks.

” Good boy and not only that but you and Flora will soon get married” Brooks said and Miguel gave Flora a cold glance.


She came to have some time alone, she couldn’t explain the kind of @nger and je@lousy she felt earlier when she saw Nicholas and Athena together.

She h!ssed when she remembered how Athena held his hands when they were leaving the restaurant.

She heard some movements behind her and froze.

“Who’s there” she began pan!cking, the person went behind her and hugged her.

” Arrrrrgggghhhhhh……..” The person covered.

” It’s Nick” she heard Nicholas voice and heart raced ins@nely.

She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out, she turned to face him and he immediately hugged her.

” I miss you mi gema” te@rs escaped her eyes when she heard the voice she has always longing for.

She immediately pushed him away and wiped her te@rs.

” I’m not the person you’re looking for” Flowerina sniffles.

” Even if you change your face a thousand times I will still recognize you mi gema” Nicholas held her waist and pulled her closer.

” Why?”

“After everything I’ve done, you still want me?” She asked and Nicholas smiled.

” I believe you babe, and I know you will never do such a thing not even after I saw our kids” Nicholas smiled and she burst in to te@rs hugging him tightly.

” I love you mi gema till eternity” Nicholas str0ke her hair.

” I love you too Nick” she s0bbed harder, the both of them remained like that hugging each other.

They both didn’t to let go of each other,they never wanted the moment to end, their hearts be@ting against each other, it was such a heart warming and beautiful scene.


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