Chapters 59 & 60



Celine has been r@nting since morning about Harold having another child out of wedlock.

” Can you just shut up Celine, don’t push me into d!vorcing you” Harold shouted back at her.

” I don’t care,after all I’m beautiful with all the curves in the right places” Celine twirled so that he can see her body.

Harold h!ssed and left the house.


Miguel came out of the car looking dashing,hot handsome and charismatic at the same time.

“Miguel is just so handsome”

“But why is Mr Brooks giving him the company doesn’t he have a son?”

” Miguel might be his hidden son”

People couldn’t stop commenting as he walked into the company holding a cold expression.

” Welcome son” Mr Brooks and Miguel shared a brief hug.

Miguel and Mr Brooks proceeded to the conference Hall where the company was finally handed over to Miguel,and also Mr Brooks announced about Miguel’s engagement to Flora.

” Make me proud Miguel and don’t disobey me you know the consequences” Mr Brooks warned Miguel before leaving the company with his guards.

The news was all over the internet and people couldn’t stop commenting about their own opinions.


Nicholas shook his head and dropped his phone after reading the news.

” What are you up to Father?” Nicholas asked rhetorically.

Athena came in almost immediately and rushed to him.

” Nick are you ok? I just saw the news” Athena wanted to hold his hand but he shifted away from her.

” Yeah I’m fine,just go home Athena I need some time alone” Nicholas stylishly chased her away.

Few minutes after Athena left a call came in from Flowerina.

” Mi gema” Nicholas smiled widely.

” Nick just wanted to know if you’re ok” Flowerina’s angelic voice came through and he forgot about all his worries.

” I’m fine mi gema,just take care of yourself for me ok,love you till eternity” Nicholas said and Flowerina hung up.


Fernando came back to the mansion holding his briefcase,he met Darrell playing on his pad and glared at him before going upstairs.

Darrell scoffed and kept playing his game.

Fernando dropped his briefcase and went to the secret room where he locked Gina.

” Hope you’re enjoying your stay here?” He smirked m!schievously at her.

Gina looked at him expressionlessly without responding.

Unknown to him Darrell followed him and was peeping thought the door,while recording everything.

Gina saw Darrel and fe@r gripped her the more,she doesn’t want Fernando to know that Darrell was there.

” Just k!ll me Fernando what else are you waiting for?”she scoffed while signaling Darrel to run away.

Darrell turned and ran out of the mansion heading straight to the police station.


The kids were with their grandparents enjoying their company.

“Grandma when are we going to meet our daddy?” Adrianna asked just when Flowerina and Amara were descending the stairs.

” Soon baby” Flowerina replied and walked to the kids.

” What do you want me to buy for you when I’m coming back later?”Flowerina str0ke Adrianna and Luna’s hair.

“Chocolate” they both chorused while Adrian only stared at them with cold eyes.

” Get Adrian some bitter orange” Luna said and they all laughed.

” Why bitter orange?”Adrian squeezed his face.

” Because you’re bitter” Luna replied and he shook his head.


Blair, Flowerina and Amara sat on the same table chatting and bantering.

” Gosh Blair why will you lock him outside after sedvcing him”Amara laughed loudly.

” Pregnancy hormones” Blair responded.

” Hey you” They heard a loud voice behind them.

” How dare you Amara,I never expected this from you” Celine ran to Amara almost sl@pping her when Flowerina stood up and held her hand.

“What the h£ll” Amara stood up.

“Just know that your child will never inherit Harold’s wealth even if I don’t give birth” Celine y£lled on top of her voice attracting attention to them.

“Shut the f*ck up Celine,my husband is ten times richer than Harold so just fk off” Amara replied hotly.

“And just so you know I’m never going to give up my child’s custody”Amara added and Celine became embr@ssed.

She glared at Amara and left the restaurant.

” Gosh pr0blems everywhere” Flowerina sighed.

Carina wasn’t able to concentrate at work,she kept making mistakes after she saw the news about Miguel’s engagement.

“Miss Andrew someone is here to see you” one of her friends came to inform her.

” Who?” Carina asked in confusion.

” Just come” her friend ran out of the office in excitement.

Carina stood up and went out and froze when she saw the person.

” You?”


The police arrived at the mansion and met Fernando making a phone call in the living room.

” Mr Fernando you’re under arrest for locking up your wife and m#ltreating her” The police said and Fernando frowned.

” I think you made a mistake because my wife travelled out of the country” Fernando replied with a s!lly chuckle.

“We’ve gotten permission to search your entire house” one of them said and Fernando agreed.

After about thirty minutes of searching the whole house the police found nothing so they left.

Fernando smirked ev!lly and laz!ly sat down on the couch.

Darrell came out of his room pretending not to know anything.

” If I find out that you’re behind this, you’re de@d meat”Fernando thre@tened.

Darrell rolled his eyes and walked away.


Athena prepared a special dinner for Nicholas waiting for him to come back.

Noah scoffed while watching her arrange the table, Athena ignored him and finished arranging the table.

She glanced at Noah and smirked ev!lly.

One of the guards rushed in pan!cking.

” The boss was involved in an @ccident” He said and Athena scre@med in h0rror.

Noah spranged up and followed Athena to the hospital.


The Andrew’s were there and the Brooks also,Athena rushed in while cry!ng, Noah stood aside trying to control his te@rs.

“How did this happened?” Athena asked but nobody answered her.

Eunice couldn’t stop her te@rs,while Mr Brooks hugged her.

Mr and Mrs Andrew stopped Flowerina from coming since they don’t want people to know that she’s back.

After the cry!ng spree was over,Athena asked the driver to take Noah back home.

The signalled the driver and he got her signal.

When they got to the car the driver asked Noah to wait in the car while he uses the restroom,Noah refused to enter the car,and made his way back into the hospital and just like that the car expl0ded.

People began running for their lives while ten people were !njured.

Athena wanted to run and see whether Noah was de#d but was sh0cked to see him in front of her.

” Oh my God Noah thanks goodness you’re safe” she hugged him while shedding crocodile te@rs.

Flowerina ran into hospital with Amara and Blair.

” Bunny” she dragged Noah away from Athena, hugging him tightly,Noah recognized her and also hugged her back.

” Mummy” he cr!ed and Athena landed on her bvtt in sh0ck.

” No this is not true” real te@rs escaped her eyes this time around.

The hospital was already in chaos so they were ushered to a VIP room.

” Flowerina” Eunice hugged Flowerina while Mr Brooks excused himself.

“Just a simple task and you couldn’t do it, you’re just an incompetent fool”Mr Brooks r@nted over the phone.

” I’m sorry boss but Nicholas sensed the d@nger and took a swift turn…..” The person tr!ed explaining but Mr Brooks hanged up,he turned back and was sh0cked to see Athena smirking at him.

” Trying to k!ll your own son huh? You’re a dev!l Brooks…..”

” You also tried to k!ll Noah just now Athena,so we’re both cr!minals”Mr Brooks scoffed and walked away.

” How did he know?”she fe@rfully tr£mbled.


Miguel and Carina finally cleared up their differences,and they have been in each other’s arms since then.

“A lot of things happened today, I’m so s!ck of this world” Carina gro@ned and Miguel k!ssed her forehead.


Athena dashed into the house and luckily she met him at the dinning eating his dinner.

” Flowerina…..is back” she gasped for breath while speaking and Fernando stood up banging his fist on the table.

” What!”

” I left her at the hospital,things are getting out of hand” Athena said bre@thlessly.

” Damn it” Fernando scre@med frustr@tingly.


Mr Brooks persuaded everyone to go home while he stayed back to take care of Nicholas.

Later in the middle of the night,a man entered with a mask covering his face, Mr Brooks smirked and stood up to help him in injecting the liquid into Nicholas’s bI.oodstream.

The man smirked as he loads the syringe with a red liquid,just when he was about to inject him.

“How dare you?” Someone roared and they both froze.



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